The truth really does hurt with this tip on writing faster…
But I strongly suggest you take it to heart.
One of the reasons why I can write so fast – and back in my days at Microsoft, I was measurably 10 times faster than the average writer in the company… involves a key skill I developed and focused on right from the start.
Yeah. I know. Talk about old school. And boring. And a pain in the butt.
Nevertheless, acquiring this skill can pay off big time in helping your write a whole lot faster.
Back in college, almost as soon as I decided to become a writer, I made sure to enroll in a touch typing class. I took it pass-fail and honestly, could’ve cared less whether I cleared the bar or not. I just wanted to learn to type.
And it’s paid off. I’m pretty good. I haven’t checked recently but 30 years ago I tested out at 80 words a minute. I’m sure I’m still close to that now.
I’m not going to recommend any specific training course. There’s plenty out there. I WILL recommend that you practice by copying high quality sales letters by the top copywriters – Dan Kennedy, John Carlton, Gary Halbert, etc. That way you’ll not only be getting practice touch typing, you’ll be learning from the best at the same time.
Yes – this tip does NOT qualify as EASY. It’s work and mastering it will take serious effort and time.
But being able to think and type at close to the same speed gives you a real advantage over having to hunt-and-peck your way to closing the deal.
PS: Yes, maybe voice transcription will get good enough to let you compose great sales copy in that way. If so, wonderful. And I am a huge fan of talking out a presentation to bullet points as a shortcut to getting stuff done. But you won’t go wrong being able to touch type. It will pay off for you.
PS2: Click HERE to get my 3-Step System for Easily Creating KILLER Headlines that grab attention and instantly connect with your customers. Perfect anyone who needs to grab attention to sell their products and services. It makes writing headlines SIMPLE – even if you HATE to write sales copy.
Best of all, it’s my gift to you. CLICK HERE now to get it for FREE.